
TheBenchWarmer.co.uk logo

Over three years ago I decided to “get down with the kids” and join the world on online blogging with the naïve misconception that anyone might be remotely interested in what I have to say…

I’m embarrassed to admit that since then I have published probably a total of 5 pages and managed to stuff up the design of the site that has required intervention from an industry guru (Martin Burt) to explain, in very basic language, what I should be doing… coupled with a laptop that was originally owned by Shakespeare and took ages to logon let alone perform any meaningful tasks meant that I haven’t joined the ranks of internet millionaires (yet)… All that is about to change (well, the faster laptop bit at least)…

I’ve had some positive feedback from what little I had subjected the world to so I’m going to continue.

So, what can you expect ? it’ll just be mad ramblings from me on subjects close to my heart…. basketball, family, movies, travel, F1… whatever takes my fancy at the time, whatever prompts me to jabber on about it and whatever I feel may be of interest to anyone else. It’s at this point that I must offer my apologies, especially as this blog is, again, in the very embryonic stages of its life…. There is a HUGE assumption (on my part) that what I’m doing here will be found interesting by others, probably quite self-deprecatory in some respects, but I would appreciate feedback on my ramblings… positive if at all possible, or at least constructive (but I’m a big boy and I can handle it).

Many thanks to Martin Burt for his assistance in getting me started… many of you may wish he hadn’t over the coming months.

Let’s see how this goes then… thanks to you all for your interest (so far), for your patience (cos you’ll need it) and for your (anticipated) loyalty… hold on, this may be a bumpy ride…